Senin, 04 April 2016

Lowongan kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN)

Lowongan kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) - Kembali kami informasikan lowongan kerja terbaru kali ini datang dari dunia perbankan/pelayanan keuangan saat ini Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) sedang merekrut karyawan baru untuk mengisi posisi sebagai IT CONFIGURATION MANAGER,jika menurut anda posisi yang di butuhkan sesuai dangan kemampuan serta kriteria yang anda cari silahkan mencoba mendaftar. Untuk informasi selengakapnyan silahkan anda baca di bawah ini.

Di BTPN, Anda berkesempatan ikut serta dalam misi memberdayakan berjuta rakyat Indonesia, karena BTPN adalah bank yang fokus pada segmen mass market yaitu para pensiunan, pelaku usaha mikro, kecil & menengah (UMKM), serta kelompok masyarakat prasejahtera produktif. BTPN memiliki visi: menjadi bank mass market terbaik, mengubah hidup berjuta rakyat Indonesia; dan misi: bersama, kita ciptakan kesempatan tumbuh dan hidup yang lebih berarti.
Lowongan kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN) jakarta pusat
 Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN)

Lowongan kerja Bank Tabungan Pensiunan Nasional Tbk (BTPN)


Jab description

  • Responsible for the execution of the Process (directly perform or delegate responsibilities). Includes operating the defined and agreed process, ensuring it interfaces with all other relevant processes, reviewing the effectiveness and efficiency of the process, performing process audits and managing the process improvement cycle.


  • Responsible for the deployment of the process. Evaluates performance metrics against the defined critical success factors and institutes actions to correct shortcomings or further streamline the process as necessary
  • Responsible for the execution of the process controls, ensuring that staff comply with process and data standards
  • Interfaces with other processes and/or business functions to ensure they are able to leverage the benefits provided by the Configuration Management process
  • Directs and schedules the training of new CI owners and CI coordinators
  • Manages the evaluation of Configuration Management tools and recommend those that best meet the organizations requirements
  • Ensures regular housekeeping of the Configuration Management System data
  • Ensures appropriate security and access levels to the Configuration Management System
  • Plans and manages population of the Configuration Management System, including discovery and other data import methods
  • Produces reports and Management information, including impact analysis reports and Configuration status reports
  • Ensure that the Configuration Management Process is used correctly within the department

Cara mendaftar

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